I am already very aware of my background and the many ethnicities that flow throw my blood stream. My whole life I have always met at least one person who ask me... "What ethnicity are you?" and I oh so politely roll my eyes and take in a deep breath and tell them everything that I am. I am so mixed up its unbelivable. but, I have always found it exciting to have so many different ethicities because that's what makes me, me. You know those calico cats that have black, red, orange, yellow...etc. If I was a cat that would totally be me. Anyways, I have like 5 different types of ethnicities... Black, polish, German, Irish,Indian and now... what for it...GYPSY. That makes 6 can you believe that? I was talking to my parents this morning about my heritage and my mom told me I am half GYPSY. The first thing that came out of my mouth was "Thats so cool." Then I automatically started to think about SoGoPro. I AM SERIOUSLY MEANT TO BE APART OF SOGOPRO LITERALLY. The only thing bad about Gypsy's is the fact that they are known for stealing and being very mischievous. Well... its a good thing I am only like 25% Gypse... but I do hope I have that whole "I can see your future" power, that would be a very handy tool to have. And hey, that may explain the fact that I love to travel.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Time Machine- Did you miss any of these popular posts?
Anne Mae Bullock (no familiarity with Sandra) is nearly 72 years old but has an energy of a tee nager that most nowadays artists can only dr...
Most women of the 70s wildly screamed while he was running across the stage in tight jeans singing, but it was 1981 when they released the...
Firstly I want to thank Annie and Astrid for all the wonderful work they put into Secret Santa this year. It's greatly appreciated by a...
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Just when you thought the blog was taking a nap.... It's moving to a new, amazing home.... You'll definitely want to stick around!
"It will be found, in fact, that the ingenious are always fanciful, and the truly imaginative never otherwise than analytic." ...