Simply Hilarie

Simply Hilarie
Coming Soon

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I am literally meant to be apart of sogopro

I am already very aware of my background and the many ethnicities that flow throw my blood stream. My whole life I have always met at least one person who ask me... "What ethnicity are you?" and I oh so politely roll my eyes and take in a deep breath and tell them everything that I am. I am so mixed up its unbelivable. but, I have always found it exciting to have so many different ethicities because that's what makes me, me. You know those calico cats that have black, red, orange, yellow...etc. If I was a cat that would totally be me. Anyways, I have like 5 different types of ethnicities... Black, polish, German, Irish,Indian and now... what for it...GYPSY. That makes 6 can you believe that? I was talking to my parents this morning about my heritage and my mom told me I am half GYPSY. The first thing that came out of my mouth was "Thats so cool." Then I automatically started to think about SoGoPro. I AM SERIOUSLY MEANT TO BE APART OF SOGOPRO LITERALLY. The only thing bad about Gypsy's is the fact that they are known for stealing and being very mischievous. Well... its a good thing I am only like 25% Gypse... but I do hope I have that whole "I can see your future" power, that would be a very handy tool to have. And hey, that may explain the fact that I love to travel.


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