-Edgar Allen Poe

Now I am not sure if everyone is familiar with the brillant mind that is Edgar Allen Poe so I thought I would would post something about his work since his work is dark, gothic, creepy, and totally SOGOPRO related. I remember in the 5th or 6th grade we read one of his fictional stories "The Tell Tale heart" in one of our literary books and I remember that I just loved it. I didn't know why I felt this way I just did. After I finished the class I couldn't remember the name of the story or the author and it bugged me for a long time. I recently found it. Can you believe it? After all these years of searching for it I just randomly came across it in my school library. In the words of Hilarie Burton, the cosmos must of alerted me to this particular stack because I had already given up hope. (life fact: Quoting Hilarie is always a good way to go=])

Anyways, Edgar Allen Poe is most famaous for his dark stories. If you ever find any of his earlier publications they might just be old smelling books that maybe falling apart and the librarian may of (out of the kindness of her heart)taped it back together. His work is from the 18th century and of course he is most famous for his poems and fiction. Back then writing gory, dark, gothic, type litature wasn't offically accepted by society yet but Edgar Allen Poe kept writing because everyone knows that artist don't pay attention to Societies rules and regulations.
Edgar Allen Poe Died in 1849.
If you want to learn more about this amazing writer check out
"In our endeavors to recall to memory something long forgotten, we often find ourselves upon the very verge of remembrance, without being able, in the end, to remember."
-Edgar Allen Poe
" I heard many things in hell. How, then, am I mad." -Edgar Allen Poe
til' next time,