Simply Hilarie

Simply Hilarie
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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Secret Santa Gift Tags

Firstly I want to thank Annie and Astrid for all the wonderful work they put into Secret Santa this year.  It's greatly appreciated by all!  We know how much work is put into it.

Secondly, in regards to the tags.  You will have received an e-mail from Annie with you giftee's address already included on it.
This was not my intentional use for the tag, but I think it's a splendid idea.  The only thing is I don't think it's quite big enough to cater for all the long addresses.  And I feel rather ashamed to have been the one responsible for such a minuscule Address Tag, (or maybe I'm just blind.)  Too pedantic?

I have made up an Address Tag of a much larger size.  (Don't worry they're not TOO BIG at all.  They're just at a really high quality level.  So the size doesn't need to be reduced.)  So if you would like you are more then welcome to print one out and hand write the address (or type it in too).
The smaller tag was made up as a Name Tag for the giftee (So basically I meant for the Secret Santa to punch a hole in the left hand side of it, and write their giftee's name in the space), to go with the Tree Tag on the gift.

Anyway I've done an example:

...and the tree again.
I thought I would just give y'all the option of using this, if you want to.  It's essentially up to you guys.
I'm really looking forward to see the exchanges going on.

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