Simply Hilarie

Simply Hilarie
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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Introducing the new and spectacular.... SoGoPro Street Team Award!

Calling out to all SoGoPro Crew Members!

There are some exciting things happening with SoGoPro and the SoGoPro Crew right now! As you know we're approaching the end of the year and getting ready to kick off a new decade! Not to mention SoGoPro is approaching the end of their first year of blogging! So many fantastic vlogs/blogs to look back on :)

Quite an amazing feeling isn't it? To be a part of an international community that values the art of creativity and expression so intensely... and to have the pleasure of joining the incredible Hellick on their journey?

Looking back at this past year the SoGoPro Street Team (according the "SoGoPro Crew" section) is now about 1300 people, and there are 25oo Dayplayers. Those are some great numbers!

More importantly, that is a lot of incredible support. You've known right from the start SoGoPro's appreciation for you and everything you do to help tell the world about Southern Gothic Productions. SGP is always trying to find new ways to thank you and that's why we're introducing

The SoGoPro Street Team Award will be given to the SoGoPro Crew Member who shows exceptional initiative in spreading the word about SoGoPro, while having consistent, faithful presence in the SGP Community. As you know, you can find SoGoPro on several social networking websites- there's a lot you can do to spread the word and be recognized for it!
Winners of the award will have made their presence known and their voices will have been heard on the following SoGoPro pages: (Not limited to this list though!):

*Note: User must be registered with to remain eligible for this award.

1) - Join the SoGoPro Crew, comment on all of the blogs/vlogs, participate in contests, send in questions to the Southern BBque, send in thoughtful contributions for the Scratchpad...
2) SoGoPro Chat- Join your fellow crew members in Chat, have relevant, thoughtful conversations with others, help newcomers adapt to the environment, encourage friends to join in- Boost the SoGoPro spirit with each message you send :)
3)SoGoPro on Facebook- Do you like hearing updates from the Hellick? Visit the FB page and tell us! Leave words of encouragement/support, comment on the posted happenings, share relevant links and connect with the Crew!
4)SoGoPro Listen to the Hellick's Playlists! Discover new music and share your taste with others. Join the SoGoPro Street Team group and take part by starting new posts or commenting on others in the active discussions!
5)SoGoPro Flickr- Share your relevant, SoGoPro appropriate photos with us! Add creative captions to enhance viewing pleasure- bring a piece of your world into ours :)
6) SoGoPro Shelfari- Have you been keeping up with the Southern Gothic Book Club? Here's a good place to tell us about your thoughts on the readings Hilarie gives us in her vlogs, books you find relevant to SoGoPro, stories you love, or comments on your graphic novel discoveries- Could be beneficial and extremely helpful for those out there looking for a good read and a fantastic way to be heard by your fellow crew members!
7)SoGoPro Twitter- Imagine how quickly news about SoGoPro would spread if you retweeted all of their updates? Here's a great chance to show support and to introduce your friends to! Those who go out of their way to raise the number of Followers for @SoGoPro / @SoGoProStreet would definitely not go unnoticed! Plenty of opportunities to win cool stuff too!
8) SoGoPro Street Team Blog- The Street Team Blog is a cool way to post your SoGoPro inspired creative works. This is a phenomenal way to show pride in the company and to encourage others to find their passion. Relevant, thoughtful material is welcome and will be recognized- What better way to improve your creative style than to share it with those passionate about the same things you are! (Includes Fanart, photography, creative writing, original music, videos...)

-->Another way to join in on the blog would be to post your reasons behind your votes in the monthly SoGoPro Crew's poll. As the questions will always relate to SGP, we figure you'll always have a reason/opinion for choosing your answer...The more thoughts on SoGoPro the better :)

**Planning on sending an entry in to the SoGoPro Scratchpad? The Blog's open format makes it simple for Contributing Authors to share their potential submissions and might benefit from hearing the feedback fellow SoGoPro Crew members have to give :) Share with us the Art, Music, and/or Creative Writing you aspire to see on and let the community appreciate your talents :)

...While you're here posting, you'll be able to help decide who wins the award!

At the top of the page, there is a poll asking you to write in the name of the SoGoPro Crew Member you feel deserves the award. Please spell the name correctly.

Follow the link below to find out more about Voting, Participating, and Winning...

Please read more important details on the SoGoPro Street Team Award Here. Make sure you understand the expectations and follow the general guidelines while participating!

The award will be announced mid-month, every month- The first winner will be announced a month from today, January 15th, 2010!

Are you going to be the first winner of the SoGoPro Street Team Award? Kick off the new year right by getting involved in the SoGoPro community :) Have fun!

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