These past two weeks have been both exciting and challenging for me. There is only one word to descibe to you kind folks why? FINALES. Now, I know most of you know what I am talking about because we're all around the same age, early 20s or so. Many have passed this time in their lives and many are not quite there yet. Well, yesterday I had to take my "Theatre" finale and this is when those two lovely words come in. For those of you who follow me on my own BLOG you know that I have been talking about doing my monolouge for sometime now. You should know that when it come to standing in front of people (I don't know) it can be very scary. I am sure most of you can relate to this. STAGE FRIGHT. A very challeging thing to overcome. Your heart starts pounding. Your mind races. Sweat starts pouring out of you like a friggin' waterfall. You start stammering. You think you might faint. The list goes on and on. well... I felt that way yesterday. As I calmed myself down, I turned to face my somewhat large class and I started to do my Monologue. And I pulled it off. I couldn't believe it. The whole class started clapping and then I got another round of applause. THEY ACTUALLY THOUGHT I WAS GOOD!!! There was no feeling of greater accomplishment in that short period of time. Now, you are probably wondering... what the heck does this have to do with SOGOPRO? It has EVERYTHING to do with it. Gezz, if it wasn't for SoGoPro I would of never found the courage deep within myself to do this. Every blog, Vlog, podcast, whatever they always seem to encourage us. I have always been the one to stand in the background while everything one else did their thing. I have always been scared of LIFE! Since SoGoPro I have found something deep down inside of myself and I have pulled it up to the surface. This is why you should join SoGoPro because this little community is so amazing and we're all different but at the same time we're the same. I mean if your a lost soul... SoGoPro is defiantly the place for you to find yourself again. And THANK YOU to everyone that is apart of this amazing company... The SGP crew, The street team, HILARIE, NICK, and KELLY, EVERYONE!!!!

"When you feel as if you can't do something, do it anyways. The feeling you have after you accomplished that "thing" is amazing!"