Simply Hilarie

Simply Hilarie
Coming Soon

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Changing up our Team Article Series ever so slightly!

Hey hey hey!

The Street Team Article Series features many minds and voices of our dedicated teammates, as you know. Last month was the kick-off issue and though it was a success, I'm one for constant improvements. Half of the reason why we didn't see an August issue was because I knew something had to be adjusted to have it all make more sense. Finally I think I found the solution.

I realized that publishing at least 6+ articles in one day was a little too much. There is no way, in my opinion, that everyone could possibly enjoy all that effort in one sitting. Let's face it- there's a LOT to read. So, I've decided to make the Article Series a specific week of each month where 1 to 2 articles are published per day.
For example, if Article Series week were to start October 3rd.... That Monday I would post Hanne and Lissy's "Happy Hour", Tuesday would be SoGo Movie Mania, Wednesday Fabulous Flickr Photography, and so on etc. By featuring 1-2 articles, you all have a chance to really focus on that specific article, what it's saying, and will hopefully encourage more discussion/feedback.

Update:****The lovely Miryam suggested we publish one or two articles a week instead of having one massive week of articles... I like that idea and I think we'll give it a shot! Still up for all other input of course! *****

I believe this will allow every contributing voice (both the authors and the readers) to really shine. Of course, at the end of that week I will put up the "newsletter-like" page, where all the articles are accessible on one page...

How's that sound? Feedback welcome :)
For authors, this also means you'll have a better idea as to when you need to submit your article to me. We can assign everyone a specific day, or we can change it up month to month... We'll chat.

Also want to take this opportunity to tell folks who may not be involved in the article series that it's not too late! If you're interested in joining this effort absolutely contact me at You do need to be a registered member at And preferably you are someone who has already started to get to know the team :) Never hurts to start now!

Let's talk!

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