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Sunday, May 16, 2010

SoGoPro Street Team Sunday Interview Series: Astrid :)

Name: Astrid (RSA)
Location: South Africa member for 1 year and 13 HOURS.
Happy Anniversary ;)

Astrid's FLICKR
Astrid's LAST.FM

For those of you who have been around for a long time, you must know Astrid (RSA)! For those who have just started coming 'round SoGoPro, it won't be long before you're well acquainted(especially after reading this!)
I'm excited to not only bring back our wonderful resident mommy, Anneliese but to feature a wonderful SoGoPro supporter, Astrid!

RSA interview - Love her to bits!
Anneliese: I think I am lucky enough to have convinced a dear friend and stoic supporter of Southern Gothic Productions to answer a few questions for us on this weeks Street Team Sunday Series. She is quiet, discrete and very polite, lets see if we can change that then....oh and I am being bribed for this, but I will let her off this time
RSA: Quid pro quo, my dear! When she first asked me if she could interview me, I said H E double hockey sticks NO! But persistence and bribery - well, here we are. Don't worry, nothing sinister about the bribe. She just promised me her next born child...

Ok moving swiftly onwards, so not a polar bear in sight and I oddly enough I feel like I need an icebreaker, so here goes:
RSA: I read this and I was like, wait, why are we talking about polar bears... doh! Made me think of your secret santa gift from PD. :P
Anneliese:*tangent* Which, by the way I only physically received the other day (gift being stuck in London at Christmas and me in Paris) t'was just normal big brown bear droppings, but dang I have used that polar bear line 3 times in as many weeks! Point taken ;)

Anneliese: THE question that has to be asked, how did you first come across SoGoPro?
RSA: You know I was dreading this question because I wish my story was more interesting and maybe a little less stalker-ish. Like many, I was (am??) an OTH fan. I started watching the show while it was in the third season in the States and after watching season 1 in one weekend, I was hooked. The music was A+ and I was really drawn to the character of Peyton and I loved the way HB played her so I started following her career (see, this feels stalker-esque to me) and I recognised her on TRL (we got that show here when HB was pretty much leaving it though)and fan boards >blogs>sogopro blog. the end. The thing that actually sold Southern Gothic to me was their quest for virtual domination. Ok I kid. But once they got on I was sold! :D Actually I'll tell you a secret. When I saw the Cbox go live I was actually a little disappointed because I've seen what fan boards/forums/chat rooms can become and I did not want that association with this place but one day I had some free time and I dropped into the chat room and once I started chatting (Elise and Vero were the first!) I realized this place is so different from other forums. And after going 1,2 4 nights without sleep because you've been up all night chatting with these guys, any doubts you may have had just disappears.
Anneliese: Stalker! (RSA: oi!!)

RSA: Ok see, this is why I make for terrible interviews, because I ramble!!!.................

Anneliese: It is awesome to hear you ramble, er uhhh I mean answer fully, I bet a few will be surprised and the *insights you are giving us*

Anneliese: So anyhow, you stuck around after those first visits, so clearly you have seen a natural evolution and growth within the company, what do you think is the secret to their sucess?
RSA: I've always said it was their grassroots approach. This company grew organically. Really from the ground up. I mean the blog started off with a handful of readers. I think people were skeptical because it was blogspot and anyone can have one and I guess they were uncertain whether or not this really was HB and co and then we got the first vlog and whoa nelly, things just took off. One fan became 100, then 500, then 1000 and then to where we are today, 4000 registered members - not including the lurkers! Wait what was the question again? Oh secret. Yeah, just the fact that they took an interest in getting in touch with the fans, opening up to what goes into starting a company, getting scripts, potential deals, deals falling through, just the everyday behind-the-scenes stuff. The things that are not so glamorous but are important processes in getting a film or webisode, etc shot and running a company. And it's really become a learning ground. Where aspiring writers/actors/film makers can learn from experienced professionals. I think it's the little things that makes this specific company work. It may not be an "ideal recipe" for every other company but it works for Southern Gothic Productions. And whilst they may not yet have "virtual dominance", I say give it time. The good stuff is yet to come!

Anneliese: I definitely think you are on to something here, they continually reinvent too, keeps us all intersted in what is coming next!

Anneliese: What is the best part (for you) of SoGoPro and if you had to select a negative element what would this be (positive negatives are totally acceptable)!
RSA: It's kind of catch-22-ish, i think. I think one of the best elements is the very fact that we get to learn what goes on behind the scenes but at the same time, there is only so much they can tell us (legal clauses, etc prohibiting the rest) and also, it takes time to get a production going, so it can be months before we learn anything new about what they are up to. So if you struggle with patience, then this might be the hard part to accept. But you know, they have been enormously generous with us. The book clubs and music and film recommendations, the other ancilliary sites where we can interact are the bonuses that keeps us going when news is a little thin on the ground. These are not things that are owed to us but rather should be seen as "gifts" that they take time in creating and sharing with us.
Anneliese: Its true maybe the timelines and updates are not as quick and often as some would like, but you are right, we have alot of other pages/blogs and so on keeping us going and the fact we get updates is already awesome!
Anneliese: if you could teleport yourself, the Hellick anywhere in world to spend the day together where would you go and why (and can I come - please?)

RSA: Well certainly it won't be FRANCE. Ha. :-P I'm gonna be selfish and say Cape Town. You know, its home and there is so much to see and do! And learn. I can't tell you how many people still think of Africa (a pet peeve of mine is when people refer to "Africa" as one country. Erm, heller [bonus points if you catch that reference], it's a CONTINENT, with many many countries! be specific) as a place where lions and elephants roam free in the streets. I mean, yeah I may have a giraffe as a pet but that doesn't mean the whole of "Africa" is still like that.

Anneliese: Wasn't it Sarah Palin who didn't know that Africa was a continent? I am not sure how much she did know - nuff said! Heller as in 'Patrick', Brown Uni RSA expert or 'James Heller' of '24' fame?
RSA: Palin - Touché! Um. No. Wrong heller.

Ahem. ANYWAY. so Cape Town. Beaches, Table Mountain. WORLD CUP, Robben Island (Nelson Mandela), Ratanga Junction, Canal Walk, Cape Point, High tea at Mount Nelson, Camps Bay, Groot Constantia. WINE FARMS, etc etc. And I would have to think about bringing you along. I might not be able to trust you alone in a vineyard :-P (you know you love me!)

Anneliese: Your home sounds like an amazing place to visit, and it is thanks to people like you that we all get a better glimpse of that. I WILL behave in the wine farm (promise)- FARM? Really? Do you call it a Farm?
(Yup, we call 'em farms. Sometimes estates. I thought this was universal?!)
Anneliese: Darnit it, which heller?
RSA: I'll leave that open for the comments.
Anneliese: Having been around since the beginning before 'Twitter' and its gazillion followers, 'Facebook' and the other social media networking sites in the metaverse, are you afraid that the 'small company-everyone-knows-each-other-mentality' will be suffocated by the growth that is essential for them to suceed in the next few years? and how do you think the team will address this?
RSA: No fair, you said you were going to be nice! Man these questions are TOUGH!!! Ok, tangent. I. Hate. Twitter.
Anneliese: Can you retweet that please? oh and I am nice, these ones are fine wait till you get to the newspaper question!
RSA: Oh no! Under Pressure. dum dum dum didi dum dum
Ok back to the question. Truth be told, this is not something I worry about. The very nature of this company, the enormous growth it has already experienced through it's "grassroots approach" - the foundation has already been laid to make future growth a smooth process. When it was still in the blogspot stages, it was crucial for the "Hellick" to be there in the thick of it, churning out blog after blog, establishing themselves, networking etc. Then they grew. They grew beyond what blogspot could offer and so we got Flickr,, Shelfari, Youtube. A place of temporary extension - if you will. Then came the next phase, the new website. With every new phase, it has been easier to take a step back and leave in place a system/network of people to keep things going while they get on with the core business. And then to drop by every once in a while, to touch base. And as much as I hate the evil that is Twitter, it is actually pretty useful. When you can't get to the computer or you don't have a good 30mins to write an interesting blog, it's easy to just drop a line or two to the rest of us to let us know they're still alive! (I think my biggest fear on that topic is "protecting the tweets" which would force me into getting one *GASP* )

And I think that spirit of "
ubuntu" within the extended crew/street team has been firmly established so I doubt we need to worry about being left behind when they become hugely succesful.

Anneliese: Thankyou for the ubuntu link, I was just about to google that too, nothing like learning from the best!

Anneliese: If you were to write an article in the newspaper about Southern Gothic Productions, what would the headline on the front page say?
RSA: Oh shiznit, seriously why did I say yes. I should have held out for a better offer!
Anneliese: I told you so!
RSA: Erm, I don't know right now. I have a hard time when it comes to writing and headlines/subjects are the worst. Probably something cliché, like "The little engine that could". That's a sucky answer. Ok challenge to anyone who makes it through the ramble above - leave your suggestion in the comments!
Anneliese: I thought this was a mean old question, nice turn in your answer RSA! I would go cheesy, "SoGo and so Pro" then hammer out an article about how professional and generally fabulous the company is!

RSA: See, yours is already better than mine. Argh, alright. Hit me up in the comments folks.

Anneliese: I know you are involved in lots of different aspects of the site as a moderator in chat, site moderator and I know last Fm, Shelfari and the photography pages are favourites of yours, can you tell us all a little about how you gravitated towards these different arts?
RSA: I've been involved in the arts in one way or another for as long as I can remember and music is my first true love. Singing in the choir (or the girl group I was part of, LOL oh man what a nerd), musicals, ballet, eisteddfod, etc. I guess you could say I am a dreamer. I love getting lost in these worlds of alternative expression. But as you get older you tend to lose that spontaneity that is required to just let go (cue: Frou Frou) and fully embrace that so I guess I've moved onto the next stage; getting lost in these worlds through words - online, that is. The photography, that is new. I'm not very good at it but it's thrilling to capture a perfect moment that will last a lifetime.
Anneliese: Girl group? Really? Who knew! You are on dangerous ground here, I am thinking Spice girls and Pussycat Dolls, but I am guessing that is not exactly on target right? oh and I so had to google Eisteddfod!

RSA: So TOTALLY HYPOTHETICAL HERE: when you're super nerdy with nothing better to do, you and your friends might go into Spice Girls mode and you might just find yourself arguing as to why you'd make for a better Baby Spice. Or you might spend your Friday evening learning the moves to ahem... Nsync (Bye Bye Bye). WHY AM I TELLING YOU THIS???!!!
Seriously though. Not pop group. Church stuff.

Anneliese: See how I read between the lines? If it is not pop, rather church, that means you really can sing well! Any chance of singing a few bars of something funky? Maybe after the tour of the Wine farm, hell after a tasting I might join you and I cannot sing *tangent* ask my husband about the Shakira incident one day!

RSA: Don't tempt me, I totally will ask XP! I have images of Hips Don't Lie...
Anneliese: Geographically you are so far away from North Carolina and the home of SoGoPro, yet so involved. Do you think that SoGoPro have proven to be real innovators 'showing the way forward' for other Independant production companies?
RSA: For sure. We're constantly getting links from other folks to blogs and websites that have taken a similar approach. There are definitely little things that are unique to SoGoPro that perhaps could not be duplicated in another setting but I think more and more folks have realized how important it is to connect to the fans. Even bigger established companies are taking this approach. And interestingly enough, I think the podcasts with PD has proven to be a real hit because I've definitely seen more and more independant companies and other individuals turning to this tool as a means of connecting with the fans.
Anneliese: There sure is a major connection to the fans, and it is awesome when they take the time to make sure there are shout outs where necessary.
Anneliese: I know this question has been asked before on many occasions but I think it is an interesting one, which if the vlogs/blogs stand out to you as being personal favourites?
RSA: Definitely the street team contributions, the St Paddy's vlog and the treasure chest. It is interesting to me to hear and see how, what is essentially a business venture, has managed to affect so many thousands of people across all social, economic, racial and geographic backgrounds. Which just speaks to the character of the people who ARE Southern Gothic Productions - Kt, HB, Gray and by extension our HBIC (I totally should have gotten *you* an HBIC t-shirt for your birthday btw - thank goodness for your great sense of humor!).
My favorite blog is this guy. And this guy. (Did we ever get part 2? I can't recall).
My favorite vlog: This cracks me up every single time.
Anneliese: Where is my shirt? What would you put on it? Lovely choices, the two blogs are great, and the Vlog is 'pee-in-your-pants-thigh slappingly funny'!
RSA: I've got a "cheeky git club" shirt. I think that would suit you too :-P

Anneliese: If you could have a one to one conversation with anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why?
RSA: It's not so much that I want to have a conversation with these people but I maybe would have wanted to be alive (as a fly on the wall) during A) The demise of the Romanov Dynasty (I have a bizarre fascination with Russian history. Bizarre.) and B) World War II. History gets written and rewritten all the time and you're always learning about events from secondhand accounts and I think I would just wanna see how and WHY these happened. Every book I read or movie/documentary I watch about the second world war makes me bawl like a baby and it just makes you want to know about the psche that can cause such indescribable devastation. It's a little morbid and weird, I know.

Anneliese: very interesting 'times' to have wanted to exist in and probably safest as a fly on the wall - literally. I actually share your fascination with the Romanov Dynasty though perhaps the later period, Tsar Nicholas and Anastasia ....

RSA: The 2 people I would want to have an actual one-on-one conversation with is A) Nelson Mandela. I really don't think I even need to explain why. The man is a LEGEND. and B) My grandmother. She died when I was still really young and we only got to see her a few times a year because we lived on the other side of the country and there are sooooo many questions I want to ask her. My grandmother was German. My grandfather (I recently found out, we thought East African) was from the Caribbean. They got married before apartheid. Without going into too much history, one of the things that was declared illegal was inter-racial marriage although there were I guess exceptions if you were already married by the time the act was passed. Anyway. Because of their marriage my grandmother's family disowned her. No one knows who they are or where they went. There is an entire piece of my family history that is just gone.
Anneliese: I think Mandela is pretty awesome choice, and you still have a chance to talk to him.... now I want to know ..... would you be brave enough to slip him a SGP wristband and then TwitPic it on Twitter.....what do you mean you still don't have an account its been 5 mins!
RSA: He's awesome, he totally would wear one. I'd be wearing my 46664 band anyway, so you know....I scratch your back... :-D
Boo. Twitter.

Anneliese: If you could sum yourself up in a book or a song which would it be?
RSA: I feel like the answer to this is going to reveal waahayyy to much about myself but what the heck. I think for the most part, you know, minus the suicide business, the book I feel that describes my state of mind -sort of - is The Bell Jar. I feel like I need to defend this answer but whatever, there it is. A song. Oh, this is hard. Maybe Tomorrow - Stereophonics. And also maybe Wild Horses by Natasha Bedingfield. Not the Rolling Stones one. Although that song is in my top 3.

Anneliese: Wow this is an interesting insight, I admit I haven't read the book, but I did just 'wiki' it, hellfire and brimstone, what did we do in the dark ages before internet? Intersting song and book choices, aren't they a little paradoxical? (Not in the slightest. They all have a common thread). I guess I should read the book then, maybe print out some lyrics too :)

We once had to take a personality test at a leadership camp in high school and mine was 'melancholy'. The facilitator said there could be nothing more accurate than that. It's been yeaaaaaaaaars since then but it probably still holds true. Make of that what you will!
Anneliese: I have tried and tried for the last 25 minutes and the only things I can make of 'Melancholy' that make any kind of sense are 'Leon Chamly' and 'Holly Mance' both of which I think would make a great character names in one of Mr Grays plays. Maybe your facilitator was making reference to a future career in theatre, or screen writing, or some such artistic domaine.

RSA: LOL, oh man, where did i find you????!!!!! Now I am picturing Leon Chamly as a Mad Hatter-esque character (à la Johnny Depp/L. Tubrock *wink*)

Anneliese: ok, so we have been talking about doppelgangers and using SoGo Powers for good not evil, here is the last one - if you would have ANY super power which one would you want and why?
RSA: Well I've already got the invisibility cloak and clearly the power of bribery (!) but would definitely go for Apparation. I love the idea of just turning on the spot and being in a whole new place. Wait...Is magic the same as super powers? Hmmm. Either way, I'd love to travel and this would be a fantastic way to do it. I wouldn't even have to quit my job! I'd love to spend a summer in the States (ILM even), have a Russian winter, spend a gorgoues autumn day in Ireland maybe.... Any other places?? Hmm. Maybe spring time in that place with the TOWER and the ARCHES. Yep, totally would do Italy. Ha, I kid. I would so come and see YOU and your gorgeous kids.
Anneliese: scarily similar we are - me I would be on for teleportation - see you in 5 mins for an Amarula on the rocks, on table mountain watching the sun set and ignoring mass hype world cup fever!

RSA: Yes! You know me so well! Getting those glasses ready! *Cheers.*

Phew! Glad that's over! This feels like revenge for the multi-part questions I asked! Boy you're one tough cookie!
Anneliese: but just as sweet, and crumbly!

RSA: (I thought it was very funny that we did this interview on Tuesday May 11, 2009 and we ended up discussing ancestory/history in chat on Thursday May 13, 2009 - although y'all would not have known this then :) )
Anneliese : So true! Does that make us forward thinkers?

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