Hey folks-
My many apologies for my absence the past week and a half. I know the March Award is a big ?!?!!? right now- There is a winner, and there will be an award entry for that person... There are just a few things holding the whole project up at the moment.
In any case- the poll for the April Awards is up and running now... And in case you're feeling like you're running out of people to vote for.. let's take a moment and think about our community...
I just hopped into chat... Who'd I see? Anneliese, MelissaO, Lissy, George, Niahm, and Katie! When you chat, who do you usually talk to?
When I look at KT's most recent post (Backup and Reboot) I see that ValerieL, Lau, Alina V, AshleyMartinez, and Lyss have Already commented!
How about on some of our other pages? Well- Danielle, Becca and LeonT are currently featured on SoGoPro for their amazing photography...
MelissaO and Brandi were the last two to post anything to our SoGoPro Street Team Blog....
Hmmm! There are folks all around, enjoying the SoGoPro World.... Take a look around and decide for yourself who you think should receive the April Street Team Award!
We're a team, we're a community- and We LOVE SoGoPro! Wooo Spirit!
Stay tuned for the announcement of the March Award... It'll be here soon I promise!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Time Machine- Did you miss any of these popular posts?
Anne Mae Bullock (no familiarity with Sandra) is nearly 72 years old but has an energy of a tee nager that most nowadays artists can only dr...
Most women of the 70s wildly screamed while he was running across the stage in tight jeans singing, but it was 1981 when they released the...
Firstly I want to thank Annie and Astrid for all the wonderful work they put into Secret Santa this year. It's greatly appreciated by a...
And we hope you join us! www.SoGoProStreet.com Register with us there to start adding your own content :)
Just when you thought the blog was taking a nap.... It's moving to a new, amazing home.... You'll definitely want to stick around!
"It will be found, in fact, that the ingenious are always fanciful, and the truly imaginative never otherwise than analytic." ...