Simply Hilarie

Simply Hilarie
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Friday, March 5, 2010

SoGoPro Book Club

Hi it's Toni again, I was looking around Sogopro and found that they have a book club to go within the southern gothic literature, I find it awesome. I would like to read some of the books because I am a big reader and want to expand what I read. I'm currently reading, a Truman Capote Novella Breakfast At Tiffany's. I was watching SoGoPro youtube videos and found out that Hilarie likes Capote and she recommended Music for Chameleons and The Grass Harp, I have a list of all the books I would like to read in my lifetime so just so everyone knows that the books that hilarie recommended is on my list, if you think that i would enjoy anymore please leave a comment :) oh and I would like some feedback on my ad for SoGoPro Thanks!

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