Simply Hilarie

Simply Hilarie
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Friday, March 5, 2010

My new catch phrase

Ever since I have been a member of the Southern Gothic Productions website, I constantly think of ways that I can contribute to the site or to all of you awesome people out there.

Well...I have a new catch phrase :)

Brandi told me that I should post it and see what the response would be. I had no idea where, but I thought I'd just blog about it.

When someone does something ridiculous or has a Facebook profile picture that they don't look so good in, I say "No Go Pro"...yeahhhh.

I'll give you some examples to help:

"Did you see that horrible haircut?" "No go pro on that one...ew!"

"That man just totally cut me off on the highway...that's a major no go pro"

I couldn't tell you WHY I think of these crazy things but maybe it will catch on with you all. It totally makes sense in my head. A lot of weird things make sense in my head.

So the next time someone does something dumb and you feel the need to question their judgment, ask yourself "is that so go pro? or no go pro?"


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