Simply Hilarie

Simply Hilarie
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Friday, February 19, 2010

The Street Team Twitter :)

Hey Folks-

Here to talk a little about @SoGoProStreet / The SoGoPro Street Team Twitter -
I'm not sure how many readers out there are on Twitter (though I know some of you are because we probably converse back and forth from time to time!)- But I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about how fun it can be!
Everyone has their own opinion about this particular social network, but it really can be a cool place to see which members of your street team are trying to get the word out there. Twitter can be useful in getting more people you know looking into our favorite production company! Just today, which is Follow Friday, I've seen so many familiar/unfamiliar names out there spreading the word and it's really amazing! (Those who do encourage others to follow @SoGoPro always get a shoutout from the Street Team account- helps users get followers that love SGP and they get recognized for their efforts!)

I want to remind you all that even if there isn't a new blog/vlog up on every day, there are still a lot of older ones that people you know haven't seen!

SoGoPro is an exciting place with a great community thats keeps growing- You all know that the more people who know/support SGP, the better off the Hellick will be when they brag about us to all of their current/future investors! We are not only doing a service to those who are unaware of SGP but we're also making the dreams KT, Nick and Hilarie have,come true.

Hope this inspires you to reach out to more folks, to try out Twitter if you haven't yet, and to take more pride (if you can even imagine ;) ) in being a SoGoPro Street Team member.
Not to mention the perks- spreading the word pays off when fellow Street Team members nominate you for the SoGoPro Street Team Award! (A cool graphic made by MM and a personalized video, along with tons of praise from your SGP community? Ohhh yeah!)

Hope you all are in terrific spirits-
See you in Chat... Right? It's another one of the coolest places to be if you love SoGoPro! It's been a little lonely in there the past few times I've stopped in- let's make the Cbox our home again and lure in more chatters!


Time Machine- Did you miss any of these popular posts?

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