1. If I weren't a soon-to-be-an-english-translation student I'd love to be professional photographer (or just a being photographer would be great, don't need the title).
2. When I'm super upset I mumble unintellegible things under my breath and like to be left alone.
3. My favorite thing about myself is my ability to learn languages in a short period of time (short in comparison to how long it takes others to learn lang's).
4. If I found a $100 in the pocket of last winter's coat I'd spend it on music and books. Probably some clothes, but definitely books. Maybe some from the SGP Book Club.
5. Even though some people might consider this a flaw, I love being so stubborn. After a while of arguing with someone, you can get to know that someone really well.
6. I love the way I feel when I'm with my friends, having a good time, laughing our heads off. Best feeling in the world.
sorry it took me so long to make my first appearance here! i just didn't know what to post. if you guys want to play along, please do so, and post your fill ins in the comments or if you have a blog, leave a link for the rest of us to see ;)