For example if you're at College... and you live in a dorm... why not put something like this on your door!

Sure, it's not the best sign you've ever seen, certainly isn't my best- but it will encourage curiosity. Especially if the same people are walking by it every day... Sooner or later boredom will ensue and the name SoGoPro will stick when people are rotting their brains on the internet!
As the SGP Street Team it is our job to get the word out! That means internet advertising and word of mouth with the people you're surrounded by every day!
The picture you see will be one of several that will be put up around Umass Lowell.
I encourage you all to step away from the computer and target those who just need a little push onto the SGP wonderland... You can make a huge difference! Take advantage of our wide spread community and bring the world to this incredible place!
Oh and be sure to post your creations to spread the word Pedestrian style here! Show off your amazing efforts to expand the SGP Community!