So far so good, folks! Glad to see you all finding your own ways to utilize this space!
Just a few things I wanted to mention:
1) If you have any suggestions for the layout of this blog- please please please let me know! While I have a basic understanding of graphics and layouts, this blog is for the Street Team! Eventually when things are more organized there will be more jobs for more folks to jump in on as far as blog maintainance goes:)
2) Spread the word! Let's try to fill up our 100 Contributing Author spots! This will require a bit of effort on every author's part. Just as you want your posts to be seen we want the world the see and read about our SGP pride!
3)If you haven't noticed yet, the SoGoProStreet Twitter will feature daily blogging ideas, and might ask questions regarding SGP in hopes that you'll blog about them. Last night there was a question, "If The Hellick could read a you a bedtime story, it'd be?" - It was great to see a few responses to that! Look out for more just like that in the future.
4)You might notice the tags at the bottom of each entry. While you are personally not required to do that, do know that most likely tags will be given to your blog posts. This is a way to start off being organized. In the future, we may want to find a specific author, or a certain type of contribution posted here- I thought there's no better way than to start off the organization right away :)
5. Please make sure you've read the Mission Statement/Guides + Expectations before you start posting :) With so many contributors, we'll all want to be on the same page!
Have fun!!! Post away! Glad to see you all participating!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Time Machine- Did you miss any of these popular posts?
Anne Mae Bullock (no familiarity with Sandra) is nearly 72 years old but has an energy of a tee nager that most nowadays artists can only dr...
Most women of the 70s wildly screamed while he was running across the stage in tight jeans singing, but it was 1981 when they released the...
Firstly I want to thank Annie and Astrid for all the wonderful work they put into Secret Santa this year. It's greatly appreciated by a...
And we hope you join us! Register with us there to start adding your own content :)
Just when you thought the blog was taking a nap.... It's moving to a new, amazing home.... You'll definitely want to stick around!
"It will be found, in fact, that the ingenious are always fanciful, and the truly imaginative never otherwise than analytic." ...