About Me
I'm Andrea.. nothing more, nothing less. Fell into working in TV by accident- I am currently the Special Projects Coordinator for WTVM in Columbus, Georgia. A self proclaimed geek, SEC Football fanatic (WAR EAGLE), and music lover.
Favorite Music
I can't even begin here.. there is TOO much. Country and Southern Rock are my top two genres. I love the local/regional stuff too- that's where you will find me on a Friday night- traveling from town to town to see some of my favorites: US Band, Velcro Pygmies, Wayne Mills Band, Corey Smith, and many others.
Thank you Andrea, for letting me interview you! I was hoping you’d say yes, cause you were the first person to pop in my mind when I had to choose someone. You’ve been a great supporter for such a long time, and you’ve done so much for SoGoPro and with the SoGoPro (Street) Team!
Hanne: When did you join SoGoPro? And what do you remember of stumbling upon the good old blog?
After racking my brain for the past 10 mins- I joined twitter at the beginning of Feb 09 and was just searching around for actors/actresses on twitter and Hilarie’s name came up. So I started to follow. One Sunday I remember it saying “Ali is about to shake up the cbox come on over” and the rest, as they say, is history. I am a talker, and just jumped right in!
Yay for Twitter! Ali always shakes up the Cbox, She's very good at that! I'm sure you had a warm welcome :)
H: How has your involvement in SoGoPro developed? And how did that happen?
At first I was just a very active chat member, being on the computer at work all day allowed for me to check in a lot. Then it turned into helping Megan out with some of the site development for the “non-blogger” site. I guess the “geek” in me got me in the door.
Haha, you really find yourself a geek, don't you :p I don't think you're the worses geek out there! I think a lot of members see the way they're involved in SoGoPro change. But that's just a good thing I think.
After racking my brain for the past 10 mins- I joined twitter at the beginning of Feb 09 and was just searching around for actors/actresses on twitter and Hilarie’s name came up. So I started to follow. One Sunday I remember it saying “Ali is about to shake up the cbox come on over” and the rest, as they say, is history. I am a talker, and just jumped right in!
Yay for Twitter! Ali always shakes up the Cbox, She's very good at that! I'm sure you had a warm welcome :)
H: How has your involvement in SoGoPro developed? And how did that happen?
At first I was just a very active chat member, being on the computer at work all day allowed for me to check in a lot. Then it turned into helping Megan out with some of the site development for the “non-blogger” site. I guess the “geek” in me got me in the door.
Haha, you really find yourself a geek, don't you :p I don't think you're the worses geek out there! I think a lot of members see the way they're involved in SoGoPro change. But that's just a good thing I think.
H: You were part of the very first Street Team meet up!! I believe you’ve made some friends for life there. How did the arrangements go and how was it?
AGH the first meet up is one for the record books! Megan was scheduling a visit to ILM to look for places to live and it kind of just grew from that. She sent me a text one night saying that Becca and Dani were trying to coordinate a trip at the same time, would I be interested. Of course my response was “HELL YES!” From there it just kind of grew into one huge girls week. I have made friends for life. I live with MM, Becca and Jac have been to visit us twice, Lauren and Kim both live in ILM. I’ve even hung out with Liz when I was in LA a few months ago. None of us ever expected to be greeted so warmly by Ali and KT. They made a really awesome trip truly unforgettable. I go back now and watch the videos we made that week and just can’t believe we all got along extremely well. (this is the cliff notes version, I swear.)
I read all the blogs y'all wrote about it, and it did sound fabulous.. Those videos are hilarious! And I think it's kind of amazing that you did get along so well. Cause you just don't know what to expect beforehand.. It's lovely to see all the goofy pictures of all your meet ups on your fb pages - it looks like you have such a fun time together!
H: Can you think of a thing you liked best and a thing you liked least in the last 1,5 year you’ve been a part of SoGoPro?
The thing I like the best is the fact that I have made friends with people that understand a different part of the movie/tv making process. They are interested in HOW the process actually works, not just the final product. That was a first for me. My friends at home don’t really care how it gets that way- they just want to see the final product. The least favorite part has been dealing with the people that are fakers, or ones that don’t respect others.
I completely agree with you on this one. It's also nice to share those interests with the people you find here on the blog/ cbox.
Oh yea, those people aren't fun to deal with, and there are more than you would expect. Or maybe better put: than I expected.
H: I know you’re a big fan of music. What’s your favorite artist? And what’s the best concert you’ve been to?
Oh I can NOT pick one person. But I can definitely say that I have a favorite genre. Country music is one of the best things to ever happen. Do not get me wrong, I love a good rap song and love a guy that can play the piano, but above everything else- country is what I go to.
Country music, eh? Isn't it very American to be into country music or is it just some weird idea of me? ;p But that's a very interesting fact to know about you!
Concert wise I can’t pick either. I’ll give you the short list.. is that cool?
Reba - my very first concert! This woman is on my list of top 5 people I have to meet someday. I was like 8 years old. She changed outfits at least a dozen times, and ended the show in a freaking crane. It was something I will never forget.
John Mayer (2004)- Maroon 5 opened for him. Could not imagine a better combo. It was just me and my best friend from high school. That boy can play the hell out of a guitar.
Sugarland- it was their first headlining tour, and the energy was unforgettable. It was a “High energy, never sat down, sang at the top of my lungs, I have never had that much fun” type of concert.
Last one, I PROMISE! GARTH BROOKS- I’ve said for years that if he ever came out of retirement I was going. Well, this year he did! My mom and a friend of mine took off to Vegas in January. I will admit I was expecting a high energy show based off of videos I had seen of Garth (and it was freakin’ Vegas). What I got was the complete opposite. It was a small theater, Garth, and his guitar. That was it. But it was so much better. Trisha (his wife for all you non-country lovers) made a cameo and everything was acoustic. He even took requests from the audience!
That's one awesome list of concerts!! I do have to admit that I didn't know everyone, but I looked them up of course. It's always good to hear recommendations from other Street Team members! You definitely have a good taste in music..
H: It always makes me smile when I read ‘Self Proclaimed Geek’ in one of your profiles. When did that happen?
Oh Lord- I am glad it makes you smile. I’ll be honest when AOL first came out and we had “profiles” that were pretty- I taught myself HTML. Then I fell in love with all things electronic and internet. I have no shame, I will be the first one to tell you that I am an “internet geek.”
Well, congratulations on being the first one to tell dear! Gotta say you made me giggle with the 'profiles that were pretty'...
Which aspect of SoGoPro speaks to you most?
The interaction. Hands Down. For those of us that are “geeks” we love the behind the scenes stuff- and the relationships that are built from having similar interests. Networking is key in all aspects of life, and I believe that SoGoPro provides an excellent oppurtunity for that all across the globe.
Which aspect of SoGoPro speaks to you most?
The interaction. Hands Down. For those of us that are “geeks” we love the behind the scenes stuff- and the relationships that are built from having similar interests. Networking is key in all aspects of life, and I believe that SoGoPro provides an excellent oppurtunity for that all across the globe.
SoGoPro really does provides an excellent opportunity for that. I've really enjoyed that aspect of the company as well so far!
Where would you like to travel? And when you’re there – what would you like to do?
If I could travel anywhere and everywhere I would. I have a list a mile long. To me, travel is different than vacation. Vacation- I want to relax, drink a few beers, get a tan. Traveling- I just want to go and see so many things that I have heard or read about. I’ll give you the answer I get the most grief about---- one summer, I want to buy a season pass to Six Flags and start on the east coast, and hit as many of them as I can until I get to Magic Mountain in Cali.
Lol, who comes up with ideas like that! Love how you're thinking, haha!
I usually tend to travel myself during my summer vacation. But hey, I just like to go to other countries and smell the other cultures. But I guess that's easier when you live in the EU.
Are you a pie fan? What’s your favorite pie?
Ummm to be quite honest, I am more of a cake person. Give me a Red Velvet or Cheesecake and I am one happy girl.
Cheesecake is gooood!! Never had Red Velvet cake though. Had to google it, and found a picture of it on andreasrecipes.com - coincidence or what?!
What would a perfect Saturday look like for you?
Depends on the season!!! (I am indecisive can you tell?!?) If it is the fall. The best Saturday is tailgating in Auburn, Alabama with my friends. Food, Friends, Football, Beer, the Tiger Walk (a story for another time), and an Auburn win. (Afterwards we roll Toomer’s Corner- yet again, another story for another time.)
The summer? Being with friends at the beach, or on a boat tubing down the Chattahoochee River, good beer, and great music are a MUST!
I usually tend to travel myself during my summer vacation. But hey, I just like to go to other countries and smell the other cultures. But I guess that's easier when you live in the EU.
Are you a pie fan? What’s your favorite pie?
Ummm to be quite honest, I am more of a cake person. Give me a Red Velvet or Cheesecake and I am one happy girl.
Cheesecake is gooood!! Never had Red Velvet cake though. Had to google it, and found a picture of it on andreasrecipes.com - coincidence or what?!
What would a perfect Saturday look like for you?
Depends on the season!!! (I am indecisive can you tell?!?) If it is the fall. The best Saturday is tailgating in Auburn, Alabama with my friends. Food, Friends, Football, Beer, the Tiger Walk (a story for another time), and an Auburn win. (Afterwards we roll Toomer’s Corner- yet again, another story for another time.)
The summer? Being with friends at the beach, or on a boat tubing down the Chattahoochee River, good beer, and great music are a MUST!
Indecisive yes, but that's not a bad thing! It all sounds neat! Hope to hear those crazy stories some time ;p
Are you a tea or a coffee person?
Well if it is going to be tea- it better be SWEET! Hah. And I do enjoy coffee, but I don’t have to have it.
Oh boy, you sound like my sister. She used to drink her tea like 15% sugar - 85% tea.. Trust me, that's a lot of sugar!
Random and wacko question: Doesn’t expecting the unexpected make the unexpected expected?
Yeah it does, but I’ve learned over the years that you can’t live like that. Life is going to throw a lot of crap at you, there are just some things you can’t plan, or expect. This still drives me nuts, but it has taught me a lot about myself and how to adjust. However, somewhere between the expected and unexpected you will find some of life’s greatest moments.
Do you have any weak spots people like to ‘abuse’? Cute faces maybe?
I HATE feet, and people tend to annoy the hell out of me with them once they figure that out.
Random and wacko question: Doesn’t expecting the unexpected make the unexpected expected?
Yeah it does, but I’ve learned over the years that you can’t live like that. Life is going to throw a lot of crap at you, there are just some things you can’t plan, or expect. This still drives me nuts, but it has taught me a lot about myself and how to adjust. However, somewhere between the expected and unexpected you will find some of life’s greatest moments.
Do you have any weak spots people like to ‘abuse’? Cute faces maybe?
I HATE feet, and people tend to annoy the hell out of me with them once they figure that out.
Haha, that's a good one! I'm sure the summer is a lovely season for you then!
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I tend to get bored easily, so I have to switch it up a lot. If I could have an endless supply of concert tickets, I would be a happy camper. It’s no secret that I am always down for having a few beers and “shootin the shit” as we like to call it in the South. Sleep would also be at the top of that list.
Oh that would be wicked! An excellent way to spend your time. Party, sleep, party, sleep? ;p
What’s your favorite smell?
I love the smell of a boy (or man, whatever). There is just something about a good male Cologne that I love. If a boy smells good, I can get past some of the other stuff.
What a surprising answer! And a good one...!
Do you have any nicknames?
Again, a list a mile long. But since I have moved, ‘Alabama’ (or ‘Bama’) has become a main one. My friends from home usually call me Dre, and then my nephew has called me Andra since he could talk.
Aaah, that's where the Alabama comes from. I read that before. Puzzle pieces falling into place :)
And last, but not least – where do you see SoGoPro in two years from now?
I’ve learned not to predict anything because things tend to end up on the complete opposite end of what you thought they would. I will say this- the people that run this company are good, honest people. From that, only good things will come. We will experience times when things are “sluggish” but then those times are going to be followed by a true behind-the-scenes experience that you are not going to get from anywhere else. This company is doing something that has never been done before, the possibilities are endless.
Very true. They put so much work and energy into this company. I really do wonder where the company will be in two years time. But you're right - predictions could turn out so wrong. Things like what happened with the graphic novel you just can't expect.
Thanks again for letting me interview you!! It was very interesting and fun to read all of your answers and I'm sure the rest will feel the same way.
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