Simply Hilarie

Simply Hilarie
Coming Soon

Saturday, May 22, 2010

This is just the beginning

Hello to everyone who is reading! This is my 1st ever blog entry, so bear with me if my page is a bit... well... not put together! First I will start off by saying I have been following SGP since the beginning. I just have not been an avid reader/member daily. But I will say that I was completely inspired by these three amazing people (Hilarie, KT & Nick) from the start. I obviously, like most, started with OTH and Hilarie's youtube video lead me to this amazing community!
I was totally inspired by what they were doing. They completely opened my eyes to a world of commitment, creativity and independence. They all believed in the business they were creating and did everything they could to build it up. They made me realize there is so much in this world that I want to do, and if I want it that bad, I have to go about it myself instead of waiting for it to come to me. I look back to where I was when I first discovered SGP and I see how far I have come, it's amazing to me to see everything I have created, all by myself, because it was something that I believed in.
I look forward to opening up on my blog. I've been contemplating writing in one for awhile and just decided to do it! I am starting a new life for myself and I want to record all the changes that I've made so I can look back and realize how far I've come. Writing is also my passion so it's something familiar to me. I am ready to be vulnerable with my words, I am ready to put my thoughts into pages and I am ready to start now! This is just the beginning...

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