Simply Hilarie

Simply Hilarie
Coming Soon

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

street team - here's your chance to help out with!

Hey guys!
This is my first post here. wow. go me. (i suck)

Anyway, I'm Megan. otherwise known as MM (in chat). Some people still call me Megan Mary (my name is really just Megan, no hyphenated two-name first name for me), and some people still call me Purple (which dates back to the original blogger site and cbox where I always wrote in purple font!). I'm part of the web admin team for SoGoPro and I'm actually writing this today because I need help from YOU GUYS!

I've already wrangled in Meghan G to help me with part of this, but I can always use more help. What we're working on is sort of a SoGoPro travel guide for the website. It'll give you a map and a list of places that are relevant to SoGoPro that you can visit in Wilmington, NC.

What I'll need help with is:

1. Gathering photos. I would ESPECIALLY love it if you've visited here before and have taken photos of SoGoPro relevant places!! We'd love to feature them on the site if you're willing to share them. (If we end up using photos from other sources, we will have to do the work of getting permission to use those photos and properly attributing credit)

2. Write-ups for each of the places on our list. If you enjoy writing and/OR have visited these places before, this is a great job for you! It's being written like a travel guide, so keep that in mind. (if you haven't been here before but still love writing, you are of course more than welcome to help out! Just make sure you do the proper research :P)

3. Research. I'm going to need help from people who are willing to research the blogs/vlogs/projects/etc that SoGoPro have done so we have the most complete list of locations as possible. I'll also ask you to keep a list of links to blogs/vlogs/projects/etc that are relevant to each location so we can link to those pages in the description of each place.

I think that's it....

As always, suggestions/tips/help of any sort is always welcome!

If you'd like to help with this, please send me a message through my contact form.

(also, keep in mind you won't be asked to do any coding/html/website building of any sort, it'll just require submitting the content to me!)

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