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Saturday, March 27, 2010

I Played Catch Up Today

The last few weeks have been rather busy and I its been hard to find a moment to simply sit and think and write, at least while its still daylight out (this is rather rare for me). I was going back over the blogs on SGP, knowing that I had failed to comment on a few. In my travels I reread 'SGP Book Club - Bloodroot by Amy Greene' posted by NGray.

In reading Nick's review he made a particular statement that I believe hits the nail on the head in regards to what reading is like for me. In sharing how he felt about reading Bloodroot he said, "it was like a relationship with a best friend. i didn't have to spend all my time with it to know how much i cared for it, and how much it offered to me."

A good book will draw out all the emotions that a good friend will, laughter, tears, sorrow, peace, joy, grief, etc. It will reveal truth and grant a new perspective. It will breathe fresh air into your life and you'll walk away feeling renewed and inspired. A good book expands your horizons and better focuses your creativity. A good book is a great friend to have a silent conversation with, it seems to understand you even though it will never say your name.

So next time you find yourself with some extra time, sit down with a good book, let it tell you a story.

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