Everyone has their reasons. We have that list of rational (or slightly irrational) explanations as to what continuously draws us to the place, person(s), or object that gave us that moment of peace, that moment of clarity. There are places in our worlds where no matter what's going on, life always makes sense.
Sometimes my old tricks don't work. Every so often I find myself needing that 'fresh air' and it's not coming from the evening walk in the brisk air, or writing my complicated thoughts on paper. Even the album that has a track record for fixing these moments fails every now and again. (That's how I ended up at Southern Gothic Productions in the first place.) And that's why I keep coming back.
It's not just about what Hellick and the rest of the team do. The blogs, vlogs, podcasts, F.U.C.T, TLTofBandG, Pedestrian, all of that's a bonus in a way. Granted these things are what hooked me and that's probably true for most, if not all of us. However, as important as the 'hook factor' is, what's equally if not more important is the 'stay factor'. Southern Gothic Productions well executes the 'stay factor'.
The atmosphere is inviting. It almost compels you to find your niche and then give it everything you have. It's a place to laugh at the simple things in life and occassionally unload the complicated. If you're lacking encouragement, you don't have to look hard or far to find it here. It's not just about what everyone does, it's about who they are individually and what they create when they come together. As long as that never changes I know of at least one who will never want to leave.
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Just when you thought the blog was taking a nap.... It's moving to a new, amazing home.... You'll definitely want to stick around!
"It will be found, in fact, that the ingenious are always fanciful, and the truly imaginative never otherwise than analytic." ...