Simply Hilarie

Simply Hilarie
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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Struck By Tragedy

The exact time is 12:43 a.m., and I cannot sleep. I have have been lying here in my bed trying to wrap my head around the fact that Mother Nature seems to be alarmingly infuriated. Today alone, there has been great tragedy caused by this enormous force, and possibly more to come in the days following. An 8.8 earthquake hit Chile this morning, which caused tsunami warnings in different parts of the world, such as Hawaii, Japan, and Vancouver, a city only four hours from my home. This catastrophic event has horrified me on so many levels. As I sit on my comfy bed and write this, I cannot but help to worry about those people in Chile, who have no bed to sleep in, let alone a house to protect them from the elements of nature. Many of these people are left with nothing, only the clothes on their backs and the worry of where their family members may be, and if they survived. As we all sit and watch the news casts in suspense and listen to the appalling findings, we must pray and hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel, we must pray that this country gets through this catastrophe. We also must not forget the people of Haiti, who also, not too long ago, was struck by a horrific earthquake, killing thousands. We must pray for our fellow SoGoPro members who have been affected by Mother Nature’s actions. And finally, those of us who are fortunate enough to live in countries with little to no threats from nature, feel thankful, thankful that you are not going through what the people of Chile, Haiti, and all the other countries affected by this are going through. I personally feel this way, and no matter what is happening in your life, always have hope. If you have hope, you will get through it, no matter what.

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