Simply Hilarie

Simply Hilarie
Coming Soon

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My World

My world, surrounded by the omniscient trees standing tall, and mountains, astronomical in size.

Surrounded by the constant purr of cars flying by on the long stretch of road that surrounds my life.

Surrounded by the silence of the woods, yet as silent as they may be, when wanting to be heard, they are loud and obnoxious.

Surrounded by both city life and country life, where cows and traffic lights meet.

Surrounded by the people I love, friends and family, the quiet neighbours and the lies they keep.

Surrounded by the constant roar of trains passing by in the dead of night

Surrounded by the constant warmth of the sunshine and the cool breeze of the wind.

And Finally, the newest part of my world,

Surrounded by the wonderful people and the wonderful creativity of Southern Gothic Productions

This is my world, I live it and love it.

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