Hello folks-
Some of you may be wondering why you'd want to become a Contributing Author for the Street Team Blog. That's a fair question that I'm happy to answer for you at this time:
If you are a fan of SoGoPro, then you know how much they appreciate their supporters. The SGP community is an international group of people who all share a love for passion, creativity, music, movies- anything and everything artistic. No matter how you've found SoGoPro, chances are you've come to see the incredible talent and enthusiasm Street Team Members and Dayplayers alike try to show in support of SGP every day.
This blog gives SGP enthusiasts like yourself an opportunity to share your own personal artwork, original music, or creative writing that ties back to SoGoPro. We love it when Nick, Hilarie or KT give us shout outs on SoGoPro.com- but wouldn't it be cool for us to give them personalized shoutouts with examples of how they've affected our passion/creative flow? Maybe you're just searching for a way to communicate to the world how much you've benefitted from finding SoGoPro... The SoGoPro Street Team blog serves as a common ground for members to express in their own preferred ways their SGP love and gratitude.
If you do decide to become a contributing author, it would be nice to see frequent entries from you- but should a week or two go by before you post again you won't be removed. This is not an intense commitment by any stretch, but it would be good to accept a spot as an author only if you plan on using your posting privleges.
Check out the mission statement/guidelines linked at the top right of this page and always feel free to ask questions!
This is the Street Team's home away from SoGoPro.com ... We just want to flaunt our SGP pride!
We hope to see you join us :P
Friday, December 11, 2009
Time Machine- Did you miss any of these popular posts?
Anne Mae Bullock (no familiarity with Sandra) is nearly 72 years old but has an energy of a tee nager that most nowadays artists can only dr...
Most women of the 70s wildly screamed while he was running across the stage in tight jeans singing, but it was 1981 when they released the...
Firstly I want to thank Annie and Astrid for all the wonderful work they put into Secret Santa this year. It's greatly appreciated by a...
And we hope you join us! www.SoGoProStreet.com Register with us there to start adding your own content :)
Just when you thought the blog was taking a nap.... It's moving to a new, amazing home.... You'll definitely want to stick around!
"It will be found, in fact, that the ingenious are always fanciful, and the truly imaginative never otherwise than analytic." ...