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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

the terrifying GOOD alien

Comments encouraged: This is a submission to the SoGoPro Scratchpad.
By: Melissa Olim

Stephen Spielberg has really outdone himself by creating the most terrifying movie of the century! The special effects were just too much for me to handle! Seriously, The Ring, The Grudge, Amityville Horror, The Hitcher, and basically any horror movie are like a comedy compared to this one! The thing is, there is a difference with this one… see I'm to scared to look it up to find out for sure but I think the rating was like G… and that is so messed up on so many levels because with the rating being G, meaning general audiences, you don't even need a parent to get in to watch the movie! Not even a parent to hold your hand when you are just terrified! My mother made the mistake of allowing me to view this horrific and terrifying feature when I was at the at the mature age of four! Which lead to a lifetime of sleepless nights, not being able to watch television without the fear of the horrific face of the flicks monster showing up on the screen during a commercial break that of course was annoying in the first place because it was interrupting my favorite show!
This horrific feature film is over 20 years old and has been sold on vhs, dvd, and now I have even seen it on blue ray! This is ridiculous! How many more people's lives does Stephan Speildberg want to ruin! With the new blue ray technology the monsters face is going to be more scary because the picture is so much clearer! Well folks its time for me to tell you the title of this movie that I suggest you never show to your children or even view yourself! You may believe you're a badass because you didn't have nightmares after all those supposed scariest movies of our time… but take my advice don't do it!
E.T. Extraterrestrial is not a movie you want to watch! To prove to you how scary this movie is I will tell you my childhood experiences with this horrific film. At 4 years old my mother showed me this movie that was supposed to be funny and cute and ya, ya whatever… but once I saw the face of that ugly alien with the wide face skinny little neck HUGE blue eyes! Oh my God! Worst of all my mother made me watch the whole thing! You know I havn't watched that movie since then, but not one scene has left my mind… you know my parents took me traveling a lot like Disneyland, Knott's Berry Farm, all those fun places in California at 6 years old. I barely remember those places.
In that same trip I went to Universal Studios… guess what they have an ET ride! Of course they do! Why wouldn't they? They enjoy scaring people right? Well my auntie just wouldn't take no for an answer… so with everyone in our group from Hawaii had to go on that ride… leaving no one to babysit a 6 year old outside the ride and wait for everyone to get off. Our family being a bubbly, loud, and Portuguese family has to make a big commotion and pay extra to have ET say each of our names at the end of the ride… dude, they honestly think ET's looks is the only thing that scares me shitless. If you here this scary thing talk you get even more scared!
Ok so this ride involves a walk through the supposed forest set they used for the movie where he gets lost and all that ridiculous scary stuff and im crying and hiding my eyes through the whole walk and my mom goes look Melissa its ET's toys! May I mention that this crazy movie is so well known that when I type the letters ET no spelling or grammar error popping up! How ridiculous is that! Ok ADHD taking over for a second there haha… well my auntie being mean to me makes my sit in the seat next to her in the front of the ride and may I add that the seats on this ride are bikes hence the bike going past the moon with that little bastard in the basket! Well the front row of bikes has the basket! Im still scared as hell and the ride starts moving… this ride doesn't only have the original ET they used in the movie saying your name but this ride takes you back to his "home"… remember his famous line "ET Phone Home"… ya well there are thousands of not just the full size adult ET's there are thousands of little baby one's hanging from vines! I was already thinking im going to have pee in my pants from this tragic event… then the little ET in the basket that my auntie forced me to sit right behind turn that awful red and starts moving! Oh My God! That was it! I start screaming and I'm basically the only one on the planet who thinks ET is scary so everyone is like what is wrong with that child?? Then I hear something that has been implanted in my brain for the rest of my life… he says "goodbye Melissa" I didn't sleep for the rest of that trip. When I got home I had nightmares not only when I was sleeping but whenever I would close my eyes to try to fall asleep there he was.
My mother went through a lot of sleepless nights trying to calm me down from waking up screaming or having me in the middle of her and my dad with me clenching her hand crying my eyes out. May I remind you that I havn't watched this movie since I was 4 and that horrid ay at universal studios was when I was 6. I am not 19 years old and till this day I can't see a flash of him without not being able to sleep for weeks. Some years back on the 20th anniversary of this terrifying movie they decided to make a remake with different scenes and storylines. Well guess what that baastard was on like every commercial, news channel, entertainment channel, and basically every channel that involves commercials which means every single STINKING channel! What I mean by not being able to see a flash is the second it takes for me to cover my eyes when he shows up on the screen.
How pathetic is that? Haha seriously, I saw tons of alien movies that were intended to be scary but had no effect on me but the alien that is supposed to be nice? Oh My God! Can't handle it! The reason why I didn't go into detail about the scenes is because me writing about them involves me picturing it in my mind! So no way in hell am I going to do that!

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