SoGoPro has been such an inspiration over this past year, it makes you stop and notice the little things that are under your nose, in your own home town or even when you're exploring somewhere new. I recently visited London and it's good spending time in a place for the attractions that draw people, but when you look beyond that... you can really see the occult charm, even in something as simple as a row of trees down the side of the Thames, shedding their leaves ready for the winter, or small markings on a wall near Westminster where a bomb exploded in World War 2.
I hope that the delightful allure of looking beyond what is placed in front of you continues throughout 2010 and even longer. I definitely intend on snapping as much as I can and sharing it with all of you lovely SoGoPro-ers on the Flickr site... so keep an eye out!
Meanwhile, I wish every one of you all the very best for the new year!
(P.S. - Please excuse the pathetic attempt at the logo above... I was quite cold at this point and a warm cup-o-tea was calling... If we get any more snow, I'll give it another bash!)