Simply Hilarie

Simply Hilarie
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Sunday, December 27, 2009

New Year


First of all I want to apologize profusely for being M.I.A these past few weeks, but I'm sure everyone can agree that the holidays are very busy and unfortunately I haven't been able keep up with my weekly updates. This is only a short message, but I just wanted to say Happy Holidays to everyone and hope that they got what they wanted. What was everyone's favourite present? I got a new leather jacket which I am very happy about.

Also just wanted to wish people a Happy New Year, it's amazing to see how far SoGoPro has come; I remember when the old blog started up, and I was excited to even hear about possible ventures for SoGoPro, now there are web-series' and a film in the making! I wish Hilarie, Nick and Kelly all the best in the new year, and I anticipate great things for them in 2010.

I think resolutions are important, and although I don't always end up keeping them, I do try my hardest to stick them out for the first few months. This year, I think my resolution will be to keep blogging regularly and also to study really hard for my exams.

Have a lovely end of the year everyone,


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