Simply Hilarie

Simply Hilarie
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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Listen to Hilarie... Be Grateful!

Hey folks- I'm sure you've read Hilarie's most recent post over on

" Even if you're not one to celebrate Christmas, this is a stressful time of year. People are racing around, faking happy, getting caught up in the frustrations of the mall and holiday travel. It occurred to me the other day that if your just replace the word "happy" with "grateful" around this time of year, it can really make a difference.
"I'm grateful to see you!"
"I'm grateful to be here!"
Or how about simply "I'm grateful." "
After reading this I started wondering what our SGP Community is grateful for. For most of us, it's easy to get caught up in all of the Holiday Chaos- but the SGP Blog wants to be a place where you folks can take a moment, breathe deep and tell us what you're grateful for.
As you know this blog likes to be SGP related, but for the next week or so- share with us what you're grateful for! This community wouldn't exist without you folks, so let's give thanks for each other too!
(Of course, incorporate SGP in any way you can!)
Also- any crafty people out there? I'm interested in finding out if any of you crafty folks are creating SGP Ornaments for your trees! Post pictures/ideas :)

And while you're at it, why not take the new poll?

Time Machine- Did you miss any of these popular posts?

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