It has been almost an entire year since I first discovered SoGoPro. They started blogging in 2009- I was there. They launched, I was there. Friendship Union Community Theatre, Ep. 1 came out- I was there. Every step of the way, I'm there- We're there. This amazing group of people from all over the world, we're all there for this passionate Company. The possibilities with this group of people are endless. Though I'm not around as much as I'd like to be lately, I still value all of the connections we've made, and I look forward to making more!
We are the future of entertainment- Our voices are being heard and represented by fantastic folks such as Nick, Kelly and Hilarie. The work you see come from SoGoPro will be brought to you with care, passion and a love for bringing you a step closer to the magical world of movie making- and more of course!
So, I give you all my picture of my amazing Hilarie signed T-Shirt- which I love so deeply.

I can assure you there will be more as soon as I get this new digital camera working.
In the meantime, I hope you all have had a wonderful Christmas :)