Simply Hilarie

Simply Hilarie
Coming Soon

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Hey guys,

Anneliese here, just a quick message to remind you about our SGP Secret Santa that I am 'trying' to organise this year.

Well we are doing pretty well on inscriptions for our very own Southern Gothic Secret Santa and remember inscriptions will close on 10 November! A few of you have raised quite a few reasonable queries/comments and so as to keep y’all on the same page so to speak I thought it merited a brief update...

Inscriptions will close on Tuesday 10th November at bedtime for me (which embarrassingly, I have to admit) is at the “not very rock n’ roll time” of 22h30 CET. I will be strict and very mean and will turn anyone away after that deadline (unless I get a really nice gift/bribe, or indeed if the numbers are odd!)

I need you all to send me a valid postal address by Friday 13th November (if you actually want to receive the gift). This address can be work, home, school, parents, local pub, or ‘nice-non-thieving-friends-house’ in fact pretty much anywhere. I understand your privacy concerns and I hereby to solemnly swear that only me and your secret Santa will be given the address. For my part, come 25th December I will burn, explode, eat, bury and generally bin all addresses and would ask the Secret Santa’s to do the same.

This brings me onto the second point, the senders address....
Most of us are supposed to put a senders name and address on the parcel/packet/envelope, and in order to keep a little of the mystery it was suggested that we all try ingenious ways of keeping to the postal rules, whilst not completely divulging our identities. Name of sender, Mary Christmas, Mr. S. Claus etc.... clearly the postage stamps etc may give things away, as indeed may the country, so I still think the best thing to do is get someone else in your family/friends to take the postal packaging off without telling you where it is from! (*note to self DO NOT FORGET TO GIFTWRAP GIFT*)

For the moment the last thing I need from you are a few words to express serious likes and or dislikes, in order to help your Secret Santa in their gift search. I do not want sentences, I want words (less than 10 on each). Please follow the format below.

Yes please if it is : “useful, intriguing, traditional, cultural etc........”
No thanks if it is: “alive, yellow, edible etc...”

Another hint is to put some info up on your profile on SGP, you never know you may stumble across some likes/dislikes on there (mine for reference are: White gold not yellow, diamonds not pearls..... so good luck to whoever gets me !)

For those of you interested you can FB message me, you will find me easily enough on there or leave a message on this blog.

Look forward to hearing from you

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