Simply Hilarie

Simply Hilarie
Coming Soon

Thursday, November 5, 2009

In lieu of a story...


I am currently undergoing a huge mind battle, as evil procrastination is seeping into my consciousness. No matter how hard I try to fight it, the urge grows ever stronger.
So as a sense of release for what awaits me after I post this; I decided to answer: If you could have a member of The Hellick read you a bedtime story, it'd be?

Without a doubt, Alice in Wonderland. Now I have to explain. I love the story by Lewis Carroll; it has incredible potential. Disney version has little to be desired. Actually no, I am a fan of it but it hasn't worked its way under my skin and settled into my heart as yet.
I am sure Tim Burton will do nothing but amaze and astound me with his eagerly anticipated version due to be released next year (nothing but ecstatic about this).
Though back to the point. I would want each of them to read it to me. Playing alternate characters of course. I can imagine how it would be changed and adapted to the Southern Gothic feel. Now that would be a story I would love to fall asleep to.

Hmm...I suppose I should do something of an introductory sort. I am Alina aka Ranting_Llama on SoGoPro. Thrilled to be a part of this whole magical place and intrigued to see what comes out of it each and everyday.


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